2013年10月11日 星期五


  • 經過了毘努伊勒的破碎,雅各天然的力量才得轉換為屬靈的力量;
  • 經過了何烈山上摩西的杖擊石磐,才能有清涼的泉水解人乾渴。

  • 唯有當基甸的三百勇士擊破了手上的瓶子(自己的生命),瓶內才閃出亮光,重挫敵軍士氣;
  • 唯有當寡婦挪去了瓶蓋,倒出僅存的油,神才使油充盈她家中大小瓶罐,為她清還債務並供應她一切的需要。

  • 就在以斯帖不顧性命安危,打破外邦朝廷食古不化的規矩時,她才大得寵幸,得以拯救猶太人脫離滅亡;
  • 就在耶穌剝開僅有的五餅二魚時,食物才大大倍增,以致餵飽五千;
  • 就在馬利亞打破珍貴的玉瓶時,雖然瓶子失去功用,但馨香的哪噠香膏得以立時散佈屋內的每個角落;
  • 就在耶穌不顧惜祂肉身的軀殼,慷慨容讓荊棘、釘槍刺穿,祂內在的生命才得以如明澈的洋海決堤傾瀉,使乾渴的罪人白白暢飲永遠生命的江河。


"By reason of breakings they purify themselves" (Job 41:25).
God uses most for His glory those people and things which are most perfectly broken. The sacrifices He accepts are broken and contrite hearts. It was the breaking down of Jacob's natural strength at Peniel that got him where God could clothe him with spiritual power. It was breaking the surface of the rock at Horeb, by the stroke of Moses' rod that let out the cool waters to thirsty people.

It was when the 300 elect soldiers under Gideon broke their pitchers, a type of breaking themselves, that the hidden lights shone forth to the consternation of their adversaries. It was when the poor widow broke the seal of the little pot of oil, and poured it forth, that God multiplied it to pay her debts and supply means of support.

It was when Esther risked her life and broke through the rigid etiquette of a heathen court, that she obtained favor to rescue her people from death. It was when Jesus took the five loaves and broke them, that the bread was multiplied in the very act of breaking, sufficient to feed five thousand. It was when Mary broke her beautiful alabaster box, rendering it henceforth useless, that the pent-up perfume filled the house. It was when Jesus allowed His precious body to be broken to pieces by thorns and nails and spear, that His inner life was poured out, like a crystal ocean, for thirsty sinners to drink and live.

It is when a beautiful grain of corn is broken up in the earth by DEATH, that its inner heart sprouts forth and bears hundreds of other grains. And thus, on and on, through all history, and all biography, and all vegetation, and all spiritual life, God must have BROKEN THINGS.

Those who are broken in wealth, and broken in self-will, and broken in their ambitions, and broken in their beautiful ideals, and broken in worldly reputation, and broken in their affections, and broken ofttimes in health; those who are despised and seem utterly forlorn and helpless, the Holy Ghost is seizing upon, and using for God's glory. "The lame take the prey," Isaiah tells us.