2013年9月15日 星期日


  • 「沈香」的本身是苦的,代表苦中帶甜、悲喜交加的人生,是那些嘗過之人才能意會的感受。
  • 「沒藥」的功用,是用來膏抹遺體,表徵唯有當我們的自私、驕傲與罪惡死去之時,我們心裡才能充滿甜美香氣。
  • 「乳香」必須經過火燃才能散發香氣;在熾熱的火焰中,乳香的馨香裊裊而升。這表明我們的心也需要經過苦難的火焰,才能舞動香氣,直到頌讚和禱告的煙霧瀰漫我們魂間。

"Blow upon my garden that the spices may flow out" (Song of Sol. 4:16). 
Some of the spices mentioned in this chapter are quite suggestive. The aloe was a bitter spice, and it tells of the sweetness of bitter things, the bitter-sweet, which has its own fine application that only those can understand who have felt it. The myrrh was used to embalm the dead, and it tells of death to something. It is the sweetness which comes to the heart after it has died to its self-will and pride and sin. 

Oh, the inexpressible charm that hovers about some Christians simply because they bear upon the chastened countenance and mellow spirit the impress of the cross, the holy evidence of having died to something that was once proud and strong, but is now forever at the feet of Jesus. It is the heavenly charm of a broken spirit and a contrite heart, the music that springs from the minor key, the sweetness that comes from the touch of the frost upon the ripened fruit. 

And then the frankincense was a fragrance that came from the touch of the fire. It was the burning powder that rose in clouds of sweetness from the bosom of the flames. It tells of 
the heart whose sweetness has been called forth, perhaps by the flames of affliction, until the holy place of the soul is filled with clouds of praise and prayer. Beloved, are we giving out the spices, the perfumes, the sweet odors of the heart? --The Love-Life of Our Lord.